Sunday, August 1, 2010

If red or black are your colors then you're in luck...

After a long day of hoards of people crowding around the Vinyl Strapped Heels Lucky Board I put out the only two colors I have done (technically today was my day off :) Tomorrow I'm going to hit 'em hard and finish the other 8 colors. I'll let you know when they're done! Before I go... Thank you, thank you, thank you to Sileny over at Free*Style for blogging about my shoes!! She even said she had people ask her where she got them from!!! :giggles with excitement:: This is one of the reasons I have this shop... Not to make money (because at the end of the day I only make enough Lindens to make another item) It's to make stuff that people like and can buy without guilt... Because everyone knows that fuzzy feeling you get from buying something cute, for little to no money!! I want to be the reason for your fuzzy feeling :D


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About Me

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KissKissBangBang came from my love of cheapies and freebies! I'm just trying my best to provide some cute stuff to the budget-minded masses! I don't have any staff, but if you need help with anything please feel free to email me or send me a notecard in-world! I love my customers and I am always happy to help!